Frequently Asked Questions

When is the Pumpkin Festival?

The Festival is an annual one-day event that takes place on the first Saturday in October. If Thanksgiving happens to fall on that weekend, the Pumpkin Festival will take place the following weekend.

What is the cost of admission?

We work hard to keep the festival affordable for all. The cost of admission is $5 per person, up to $20 for immediate family. If you cannot afford admission, please connect with us – We’ll make sure you get in. 

Can I bring my dog?

You bet! Well behaved pooches are more than welcome. We operate on a poop and scoop basis and all dogs must be on a leash. If they do not do well with crowds and kids, leaving them at home is the best bet.

Is the festival accessible?

The festival takes place all over the village, so some sites are more accessible than others. We strive to make the festival as inclusive as possible. Please contact us for specific site or event element details.

Where do your proceeds go?

The Pumpkin Festival is very proud to be not-for-profit and administer the Patchwork Funds. All proceeds from admission sales above operating costs goes into the Patchwork Fund and distributed in the community where it is needed most. 

Do you need volunteers?

YES! We are always looking for helping hands on the organizing committee and for the Big Day! We offer high school volunteer hour requirement sign-offs and a heart-felt thank you to our team. Please visit our Volunteer Opportunities page for more details.